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- 2010-08
- CCTV10 折翅的天使-进行性肌营养不良患儿的故事(下)
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_21133310.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- CCTV10[走进科学]战胜死亡预言
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_21134307.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- CCTV10[走进科学]断颈再生
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_23144650.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- 专家讲坛——Elaine Fuchs讲解干细胞
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_24141610.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- [CCTV10]小儿白血病治疗专家 竺晓凡
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200905/2_13152307.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- 美国成功培育首例人工合成心脏 带来重生希望
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200906/2_22101131.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
- 干细胞移植有望根治尿病
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_21133100.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
- CCTV10 折翅的天使-进行性肌营养不良患儿的故事(上)
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200904/2_21133100.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
- 工作着幸福着访协和干细胞公司全国三八先进集体
- Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=http://web.chinastemcell.com/images/stories/flash/flv/200903/2_09100720.flv width=480 height=360 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
- 研究显示改变环境可改变干细胞分化方向
- 来源:新华网 新华网伦敦8月19日电(记者黄堃)干细胞是尚未分化成熟的细胞,除胚胎干细胞外,多数干细胞常常命中注定只能成长为某一种特定的细胞。但刊登在19日出版的英国《自
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- 2010-08
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- 2010-08
- 干细胞研究受阻 美国政府要上诉
- 2010-08-26 来源:中国网 摘要:美国司法部24日宣布,决定就抵制使用联邦资金开展人体胚胎干细胞研究的裁决提起上诉。美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院法官兰伯思23日裁定,抵制奥巴马政府
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- 2010-08
- MIT科学家发明人类干细胞培养新方法
- 来源:科学网 多功能干细胞能够分化成其他任何一种体细胞,在治疗各种疾病方面具有很大潜力。但是,如何培养足够量的多功能干细胞对研究者来说是个问题;此外,目前用于培养人
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- 2010-08